White fish: benefits and healthy recipes to enjoy

White fish is a group of fish of oceanic origin with a dorsal fin that are characterised by a low fat content, not exceeding 2% of their weight. They are beneficial to health due to their easy digestibility, high protein content and vitamin and mineral content. Some examples of white fish are cod, megrim, sole, sea bream and grouper. They also stand out for their versatility in Mediterranean cuisine. Find out more about the benefits and healthy recipes with white fish.

Benefits of white fish

White fish offers a wide range of health benefits. Below, we will detail the main ones:

Low fat content

White fish is characterised by a very low fat content, not exceeding 2% of its weight. This makes it an ideal choice for those seeking a healthy and balanced diet.

Easy digestion

Thanks to its firm but tender texture, white fish is easy to digest. This makes it an excellent choice for people with digestive problems or gastrointestinal sensitivity.

Source of high quality protein

White fish has a high protein content and, in addition, offers high quality proteins. These proteins are essential for our bodies, as they contribute to tissue formation and repair.

Essential vitamins and minerals

White fish is an important source of B vitamins, especially vitamin B12, which plays a crucial role in the functioning of our nervous system. It also provides us with minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium and iodine, which are essential for the health of our bones and the correct functioning of the thyroid gland.

Cardiovascular health benefits

White fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are recognised for their cardiovascular health benefits. These fatty acids help lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides, thus reducing the risk of heart disease.

Different types of white fish


Cod is one of the best known and most appreciated white fish. It is characterised by its white flesh and firm but tender texture. It is very versatile in the kitchen and can be used in stews, baked, grilled or as the main ingredient in traditional dishes such as bacalao a la vizcaína or the famous cod croquettes. Its mild and delicate flavour makes it a delicious option for any type of culinary preparation.


John Dory is another white fish that stands out for its mild flavour and firm texture. It is highly valued in the kitchen for its versatility and ability to combine with different ingredients and flavours. It can be cooked in many ways, whether grilled, baked, fried or in stews and sauces. In addition, its white and slightly translucent flesh makes it a healthy and nutritious choice to include in our diet.


Sole is a white fish with a delicate flavour and smooth texture. Its white, juicy flesh makes it an ideal choice for light preparations. It is highly appreciated in Mediterranean cuisine, especially in dishes such as grilled sole, baked sole or sole in sauce. Its characteristic flat shape gives it an elegant and attractive presentation on the plate.

Sea bream

Sea bream is a white fish that is highly valued in gastronomy. Its firm white flesh has a mild and delicate flavour. It can be cooked in various ways, either baked, grilled or in stews, always highlighting its characteristic texture and flavour. Sea bream is a star ingredient in celebrations and special occasions, adding a touch of distinction to the table.


Grouper is a large white fish with firm white flesh. It is highly prized in the kitchen for its delicate flavour and its ability to absorb the flavours of the ingredients with which it is cooked. It can be prepared baked, grilled, fried or in stews, always highlighting its juicy and succulent texture. Grouper is an ideal option to enjoy a tasty and nutritious dish.

How to recognise a white fish

To identify a white fish, we must take into account different characteristics that will help us to recognise it. Below, we will detail some key aspects:

Scaly and silvery skin

White fish usually have a skin covered with scales that gives them a shiny, silvery appearance. This characteristic differentiates them from other types of fish that may have more varied skin colours.

White or translucent flesh

One of the distinguishing marks of white fish is the colour of its flesh. It is usually white or slightly translucent, which contrasts with the more pinkish or reddish flesh of other fish.

Mild flavour

White fish are characterised by a mild and delicate taste. This makes them a popular choice for those who prefer a milder taste in fish dishes.

Firm and tender texture

In terms of texture, white fish has a firm but tender flesh. Its consistency allows it to fall apart easily when cooked, which makes it easy to eat.

These characteristics will help us to identify white fish at the market or when choosing a dish in a restaurant. The flaky, silvery skin, white or translucent flesh, mild flavour and firm, tender texture are indicative of this type of fish, which stands out for its culinary versatility and nutritional benefits.

Nutritional importance and consumption recommendations

White fish is a nutritionally valuable choice to include in our diet. Its low fat content makes it a healthy choice for those seeking to maintain a balanced weight. In addition, its high content of high-quality protein provides the essential amino acids necessary for the body to function properly.

Nutritional value of white fish

White fish is an excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals. It is particularly notable for its vitamin B12 content, which is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. It also provides phosphorus, magnesium and iodine, essential nutrients for bone health and the correct functioning of the thyroid gland.

Recommended consumption

To enjoy the benefits of white fish, it is recommended to include it in our diet on a regular basis. According to expert recommendations, it is advisable to consume at least two portions of fish per week, one of which should be white fish. This quantity guarantees an adequate supply of essential nutrients for our organism.

Benefits for children

The consumption of white fish is also particularly beneficial for young children. Its easy digestibility and omega-3 fatty acid content contribute to the proper development of children's nervous and brain systems. In addition, its protein and essential nutrients help them to grow and develop in a healthy way.

Healthy recipes with white fish

White fish offers the possibility of preparing it in various healthy recipes that will satisfy your palate and provide you with the nutritional benefits that this group of fish has to offer. Discover delicious options that you can enjoy in your meals.

Monkfish a la marinera

Monkfish a la marinera is a classic recipe that combines juicy slices of monkfish with a homemade tomato sauce and a touch of white wine. The result is a tasty and aromatic dish that can be served with white rice or baked potatoes. The firm texture of the monkfish together with the delicious sauce will make this dish an ideal choice for any occasion.

Stuffed hake

Stuffed hake is an ideal choice for a special meal. Hake fillets are stuffed with a mixture of spinach, prawns and cheese, rolled up and baked. The result is an eye-catching dish, with an elegant presentation and an exquisite flavour. It can be served with a lemon sauce or a side of steamed potatoes.

Baked sea bream

Baked sea bream is a classic and simple recipe, but tremendously delicious. Baking the whole sea bream in the oven with a little olive oil, lemon and aromatic herbs produces a dish that is full of flavour and smooth on the palate. The sea bream can be served with jacket potatoes and a fresh salad, creating a perfect combination of textures and flavours.
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Pescados y Congelados Guerrero

A Malaga-based fresh and frozen food distribution and production group with more than 50 years in the sector.

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