Japanese cuisine is characterised by the use of high-quality food and sushi is no exception. One of the essential elements of this cuisine is fish, which adds a distinctive and fundamental touch to the dishes. For this reason, the right selection of the star ingredient is crucial. In this article you will learn more about the most recommended fish for you to prepare sushi.
From Guerrero Online, we will show you some of the most common fish used to make this dish. They not only stand out for their nutritional value, but also enhance the flavours in combination with the other ingredients.
7 fish most commonly used in sushi
Choosing the right fish is key to making excellent sushi. Here are 7 fish you can buy if you are going to make sushi:
1. Sea bass
This fish has a great taste, therefore it is an excellent alternative for different stages of life, including childhood. However, because it has a tougher texture and requires longer cooking time, preparing it can be a bit more complicated. This is why many actually prefer to eat it raw.
In addition, sea bass is characterised by its small size, which makes it a very practical and simple option for handling. For this reason, it is currently one of the most commonly used fish in the preparation of sushi.
2. Squid
Although it is not a fish, squid is often used in sushi. This is possible because it is easy to handle and has a high nutritional value. At the same time, it is readily available and affordable for all budgets.

3. Tuna
Tuna is one of the most popular fish for sushi. The most commonly used varieties are white and bluefin tuna, albacore, bigeye tuna, yellowfin tuna, yellowfin tuna and skipjack tuna.
It is important to bear in mind that tuna must be cared for and needs to be stored correctly, so that its colour does not turn grey.
4. Salmon
This internationally popular fish is also used in the preparation of sushi. It is easily digested by our body and has an exquisite, mild flavour. It can also be combined with a wide variety of ingredients, such as nori, yakisoba and many others.
On the other hand, although this is one of the most expensive fish, it is really worth including it when preparing sushi. Its high omega-3 value makes it one of the main sources of this essential nutrient.
5. Prawns
Apart from fish, there are also seafood that go very well with sushi. One of them is prawns, which have a slightly sweet taste. This characteristic blends perfectly with wasabi and soy.
6. Scallop
One of the most popular crustaceans for sushi is the scallop or venera. Remember that only the stem is used and then you can serve the sushi rolls with lemon.
In terms of nutritional value, it contains a high percentage of proteins of high biological value and is very low in fat (1%). It also contains minerals such as calcium, selenium and phosphorus. It also provides vitamin B3 and B12.
7. Horse mackerel
Another fish that you can use when preparing sushi is the horse mackerel. The species Trachurus trachurus, commonly known as horse mackerel or common horse mackerel, belongs to the group of blue fish. It has 7 grams of healthy polyunsaturated fats, including EPA and DHA.
In conclusion, if you are a sushi lover and you are looking for the best fish to prepare your favourite dishes, you can't miss our online shop. We have a wide variety of frozen and high quality products, guaranteed to satisfy your culinary demands. Don't wait any longer and discover everything we have to offer, we are waiting for you!