Consumption of Caella: What properties does it offer?

One of the fish that can easily be found in the waters of southern Spain and that lives in the Mediterranean sector is the caella. In nutritional terms, caella offers various beneficial properties for human health. Therefore, if you would like to learn more about them, we invite you to continue reading this article. Here you will find out what nutrients and why it is an excellent option, especially if you wish to acquire a healthy food and at the same time be economic.

Caella, dogfish or swordfish?

When buying or consuming fish, it is very easy to confuse species such as the caellaThe reality is that the fishery is not a fishery of the sea. The reality is that the caella can be used in various recipes in place of other fish. This is largely due to its costwhich happens to be much lower than that of the other species. However, this does not mean that it is of lower quality. Rather, it is a fish that can be caught more easily than swordfish and dogfish, as it is larger in size and is usually found on the surface of the sea.

Apart from these differences related to its capture, caella meat is also distinguished by the softness and juiciness its meat and its delicate flavour, as it is a cartilaginous fish. For these reasons, it is an excellent choice for the youngest fish.

Nutritional value of caella fish

The caella has a optimal combination of nutrientsIt has become a staple food in the diet of those who lead a healthy lifestyle. healthy. In addition, practically is fat-free and an excellent source of protein.

For every 100 grams of caella, our body gets around 140 calories, 4.5 g of lipids, and 21 g of proteins. Likewise, its consumption also provides us with important doses of vitamins and minerals: 2.9 mg of niacin, 70 ug of vitamin A, 49 mg of magnesium and 210 mg of phosphorus. Phosphorus is an essential mineral for bone health.

From Pescados y Congelados GuerreroWe are aware of the importance associated with caella and we take care of providing it with all the care it needs. Without a doubt, this is one of the healthiest foods you can have on your table.

Finally, with regard to the recipes with caellaYou can use all those that contain dogfish, swordfish, blue shark or shark (substituting this fish for the caella) and you will surely be able to prepare tasty dishes!

Picture of Pescados y Congelados Guerrero
Pescados y Congelados Guerrero

A Malaga-based fresh and frozen food distribution and production group with more than 50 years in the sector.

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