La Pota: A delicious appetizer that differs from squid

The squidknown as luras in Galicia, or as cuttlefish o choco in some South American countries, is a cephalopod that looks very similar to squid. However, despite their similarities, they are two different foods.

Read on to discover the main differences, the species of squid you might find, and the benefits of buying our tasty squid rings.


The main distinction: price

One of the main factors that difference to the squid's squid is its cost. The value of squid is generally much lower than that of squid. This may therefore be one of the reasons for opting for squid, although this will depend on what preparation we want to make.

However, if you go out to eat and order squid but get pota instead, you are losing money. To avoid this, or to realise if this should happen, we recommend you take into account the following characteristics to differentiate pota from squid.


In relation to the flavourthe one with the squid is more intensewhile that of squid is more soft y delicate. This does not mean that the taste of squid is unpleasant, just that it is a little stronger. This makes it ideal to accompany stews that require a longer cooking time, as it intensifies the flavour of the preparation. However, if you prefer to grill the mollusc, you may want to choose squid for a more subtle flavour.

Size of fins

On a visual level, if we look at the size of the fins of both molluscs while they are whole and raw, it is possible to easily distinguish a squid from a squid. In squid, the fins are small and have a shape like a heart. On the other hand, the squid's fins are larger and have a rhomboid shape that covers almost half of the squid.

In addition, another visual difference that can be found has to do with the colour. In the squid we can see a violet colouration, and in the squid the tonality is almost transparent, but it could change according to the area where it comes from.

Nutritional value

In terms of nutrient supply, these two molluscs are very similar. Their protein, vitamin and mineral content is almost identical. In addition, both options are low in fat.

Types of squid

  • European short-finned squid, Todarodes sagittatusThe colour of the sea turtle is pale pink, with small violet or blue and red flecks. Thanks to them, this animal can go unnoticed in the ocean. It is usually about 25 cm long and is easy to find in the Mediterranean Sea. On the other hand, the luras found in the Atlantic Ocean are longer and can reach up to 75 cm in length. As with squid, if a squid feels threatened by another species, it releases a dark brownish ink.
  • Argentine squid, Illex argentinusThis is another variety of squid that is commonly found on the market. It is about 40 cm long and its colouring is purplish red.
  • Coastal squid, Todaropsis eblanaeThis variety of squid is the one that most resembles squid in appearance. For this reason, many restaurants offer this squid and sell it as if it were squid.

Why buy squid rings?

At Pescados y Congelados Guerrero, we love the squid rings. They are undoubtedly a highly prized product in Mediterranean cuisine. For this reason, we bring you the most delicious squid rings ready for fryingso you can enjoy them at home like a real chef.

fried squid

Characteristics that distinguish our tasty squid rings:

  • Simple preparationNo need to waste time in the kitchen messing around with utensils and tools to make a recipe. As our squid rings are pre-made, all you need to do is fry them and find a side dish. It is worth noting that you don't need to defrost them to cook them.
  • Crispy and crunchy crustWhen preparing our squid rings, they are subjected to a fine, crunchy batter. This makes them an irresistible snack, perfect for any occasion.
  • Only 2-3 minutes cooking timeIf you've come home from work and are too tired to cook anything too elaborate, or maybe you have to go out and are in a hurry, having a stock of frozen potato chips is an excellent option. To fry them you simply need to heat the oil and leave them for about 3 minutes. As a result, you will get a product that is tender on the inside and crispy on the outside in no time.

Finally, if you also want to taste the difference between squid and squid, we suggest you buy rings of both products. The difference is subtle, but you will be able to appreciate it better if you try them side by side, so you will know which one suits your palate better. By clicking here you can find both products at unbeatable quality!

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Pescados y Congelados Guerrero

A Malaga-based fresh and frozen food distribution and production group with more than 50 years in the sector.

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