Cod, a white fish that awakens sensations

The codalso known as deep-water cod, Atlantic cod or halibut, is a white fish with which tasty recipes can be prepared. Its body is slender and can reach a length of 2 metres.

Forms of presentation

In the fishmongers' shops, you can find cod, fresh, frozen and in some cases salted.

If you visit our shopYou will see that we also have cod in batter, scrambled cod, croquettes, cubes and mini cod fritters.
In its fresh state, it is ideal for preparation in the form of cod loinsIt is important to cook it early, as the bones can be removed more conveniently. It is important to cook it early, as it keeps well for 1 to 2 days.

On the other hand, the frozen cod is refrigerated as soon as it is caught. If it is marked "al punto sal", this means that from 1 to 4% of salt is added. In this way it will keep for a few months.

In relation to the salted codThe salt has about 12% of salt and remains in good condition for up to 1.5 years. However, those who have hypertension problems should avoid salt-cured cod.


On a nutritional level, it is known for being a source of nutrients difficult to find in the vast majority of foods:

Omega 3 fatty acids

While this white fish is quite lean, its low fat content is made up of omega-3 fatty acids. With a 200 gram serving, we get 80% of the daily dose our body requires.

This type of fat is essential for protecting heart healthIt has even been added to certain foods. Many studies show that consumption of omega-3 fish is associated with a lower rate of cardiovascular deaths. Therefore, different organisations advise fish consumption on several days of the week.

Vitamins D and A

The vitamin D is a nutrient deficient in the diet of many people. It is responsible for controlling the passage of calcium into the bones. However, deficiency is associated with rickets and osteoporosis.

Although the sun is one of the most valuable sources of energy in the world, the vitamin DIn Spain, its deficiency is quite common. For this reason, eating cod could be an excellent way to obtain this valuable nutrient.

The codand, above all, its oil, offers us a optimal vitamin D and A content.


The cod is an important source of seleniuma mineral essential for preserving the integrity of cells. This is because it is involved in the process of cellular protectionThe free radicals, compounds that can destroy our body's cells.

Although it is difficult to find selenium in many foods, with only 200g of cod we can cover about 70% of the recommended daily allowance.

Phosphorus and potassium

Another of its nutritional benefits relates to its content of phosphorus y potassium. These two minerals are essential for the nervous health of the entire population and should not be lacking in children's diet. stage of growth.

What can you prepare with cod?

In the municipality of Vélez-Málaga a very special dish is often prepared for Lent, known as "Lent".ajobacalao". For this reason, the cod has become an emblem during Easter.

In addition, other recipes you can make with cod are:

  • Cod and Prawn Pastries
  • Cod Croquettes
  • Cod a la Portuguesa

Finally, don't forget to visit our online shop to buy high quality fresh cod at the best price. Click here to login!

Recipes for Portuguese Cod and Croquettes

Picture of Pescados y Congelados Guerrero
Pescados y Congelados Guerrero

A Malaga-based fresh and frozen food distribution and production group with more than 50 years in the sector.

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